Flower Girl

"Flower Girl"

(included in Cliff Valentines)


Come buy, come buy, my mystic flowers,

All rang’d with due consideration,

And cull’d in Fancy’s fairy bower’s

To suit each age and every station



For those who late in life would [tary]

I’ve Snowdrops, winter’s [chelden] cold,

And those who seek for wealth to [many],

May buy the flaunting Marigold.

I’ve Ragwort, Ragged Robbins too,

Cheap flower’s for those of low condition;

For Bachelor’s I’ve Button’s Blue,

And [Crorons] I’ve [a penial] for Ambition.

For sportsmen keen who range the [lea],

I’ve Pheasant’s Eye sprigs of [h]eather;

For Courtiers with the supple knee,

I’ve [climbing] Plants & Princes Feather.

But fairest blooms Affections hand

For constancy and worth disp[o]ses

And gladly weaves at your command,

A wreath of amaranth and Roses.-


[R] Cobbold