Flowers Under Canopy

Flowers Under Canopy

Our Saint to-night is proud to bring

The choicest Beauties of the Spring

To breathe their Fragrance here:

In Splendor each Carnation vies

To be esteem’d the fairest prize

That decks the growing year.


Each shelter’d from the Sun’s rude Power,

Protected from the ruder Shower,

In cloister’d Safety dwells.

Many the Rose and Pink admire,

Or yellow Daffodil desire,

And some the fair Blue-Bells.


But you, Sir, I would dare surmise

Will not disdain to take the Prize

Now offer’d to your View:

The fairest, finest, opening Flow’r,

That here adorns this festive Hour

May haply fall to you.


If then, within a Mile or so,

Which is not very far to go,

You see such Beauties grown,

Within a Twelvemonth deign to wed,

The fairest, from its native Bed

Transplanted to your own.