Girl Selling Matches

"Girl Selling Matches"

(included in Gentlemen's Valentines, 1817)

Come buy my matches; buy my matches,

Form’d evry purchaser to please,

And who the bargain quickly catches,

I trust will find his Lot a treasure


Here Fir and Pine, that [resins] spatter,

There lights for critics shall disclose,

And sandal wood in Persian atar

Is nicely dipt for Bond Street Beaux.


Oak with proof spirit well imbued,

With these no Brittish [T]ar will quarrel,

For hardy soldiers brave and good,

I form them from the sprigs of Laurel.


The Poet, Barrister and Wit,

In intellectual splendor bright,

Shall have a match from Phosphor lit,

That shines with instantaneous light.


And now good Sir a match for you,

Where shall I find with all my skill,

The Worthiest long have been your due,

Then take and chuse one where you will.