A Goldfinch

"A Goldfinch"

(included in Ladies Valentines, 1817)

When Spring has woke the vermeil Flow’rs,

And freshen’d Verdure decks the Bow’rs,

The Goldfinch, darting thro’ the Glad,

Give Life and Beauty to the Shade,

athwart the trembling Foliage seen,

a living Ray of golden Green,

and fluttering softnis glossy wings,

In sprightly Notes this Measure sings.


Tell me, my Love, which most you prize

Life’s quiet or fantastic Joys?

and as you please, with constant aim,

In either Kind I’ll urge my Claim.


Say have you learnt from Sons of Earth

To value Titles, Wealth, and Birth?

Tis known I boast a regal Name:

King Harry I, of matchless Fame.


Descent who boasts and Pedigree,

Mine is the orchards loftiest Tree;

And if in Gold your Love should shine,

What Beau’s attire can equal mine?


But if, content with humble Lot,

you deem that Bliss may grace a [C]ot,

Well pleas’d I’ll fly to meet you there,

And rural Pleasures gladly share.


And ours shall be the chearful Lay,

That grateful hails each rising Day,

And greets, with ev’ry Pleasure blest,

Our peaceful Home, our happy Nest.