

(included in Ladies Valentines, 1811)

Nae muckle skill I claim to woo[e]

But winsome glee and [spirits] glad,

And can ye bonny Lassie [lo’e]

A [leel] and [sonsy] highland Lad,


And will ye change your Buskins [hal]

For homelier, warmer Tactan Plaid

And der the Hills and far awa’

Gang smiling wi’your highland Lad


And though, in Hall or Palace fair

Nae costly scents your senses greet;

Our mountains breathe a purer air

Our Birks and Gowans smell as sweet


But [give], sweet Lass another claim

The Heart that Donald [wad] hae blest,

May his be found as pure a Flame

As ever warm’d a Scottish Breast


Miss Studd