Delivery of Love's Gazette

Delivery of Love's Gazette

“Rare News! Rare News! unequal'd yet,

Love’s extraord’nary Gazette”

“speaks it of conquest?” “yes in Tr[o]th

Of conquest and of Triumph both:

Look round, it plainly will appear

That both are in their Glory here!

But what should most afford Delight,

Is that all Foes to Love to-night

By worth and sweetness are subdued;

That adverse Fortunes chang’d to good;


That Envy, Hatred, Malice, fly

Before the glance of Beauty’s Eye,

And all is Harmony and Joy!

But hold,_ in this Gazette I see

One Paragraph of Mystery,

One more especially addrest

“To her who understands it best:”

Look in the Paper and you’ll find it,

and gentle Lady, pray you mind it,

and, when you’ve read with prudent care,

approve what Love has written there.