A Ridicule

"A Ridicule"

(included in Cliff Valentines)

Dear Lady, would you well employ

This useful monitory Joy?

Thus let your Valentine unfold

What best your Ridicule may hold.

The Coxcombs pert protracted Gaze;

Loquacious Flattry’s common Praise,

The practis’d sighs of known Deceivers,

The arguments of Unbelievers,

Cold affections week Inanity,

The whisper’d Fibs of dan’grous vanity;

All these are Tricks of Folly’s school,

And well deserve your_Ridicule;

When Reason bids your Heart approve

Tried merit, constancy and Love,

Your Ridicule to prud’ry give,

And let affection’s Blossoms live:

While Modesty and Candour join

Their smiles to cheer your Valentine,

Forswear Coquett’ry’s tyrant Rule

Nor make him bear your Ridicule.