

(included in Gentlemen's Valentines, 1817)

This Toilet furnished by the Graces

can give new charms to fairest Faces,

The rouge that with increasing glow

Bids beauties perfect [Roses] blow

with modesty bright blushes [paught]

Of health and cheerfulness is bought

no wash [those gentle] bosoms crave

That purity [smeethness care]


And radient candor here supplies

unfading lustre to the eyes,

The [ribban as] placed for your selection

Are [woven bands] of tried affection[,]

In folds that symetry disclose

The robe of polished [manner flows]

with sparkling [gaws] to grace the day,

Of with modest playfulness.


[now] to truths [mirror turn] my fair

And view your resemblance there.