A Town Cryer

"A Town Cryer"

(included in Ladies Valentines, 1817)

O yes! O yes! O yes! lost, stolen, or stray’d,

Imbezzled or secreted, or otherwise mislaid;

‘Tis thought it may have wander’d, as it sought it’s counterpart,

That article most rare, an unsophisticated Heart;

Of honor & simplicity no danger can [deprive] it,

By it’s marks it may be known, & I hasten to describe it:

By inspection or (the) surface, a few scratches may be found,

And (the) substance is just pierc’d with a single recent wound;

It has all it’s sentient fibres in a state of perfect sanity,

But is touch’d with likely tints from a little cast of vanity;


While cheerfulness & bravery about (the) [top] are flying,

At (the) bottom, truth & tenderness unchangeable, are lying;-

The meshes of affection around it’s cords are twin’d,

And (the) image of a Lady in it’s centre is enshrin’d.

Who brings it to that Lady shall receive a rich reward

From lips untouch’d by artifice, expressions of regard.

One chaste & gentle pressure from a hand, pure, soft, & white.

And a radiant glance of gratitude from eyes of heavenly light.

And those who value [love] & beauty, strive this Heart to bring

To (the) Lady who commands (the) [Cryer]._ God save (the) King._