A Windmill

"A Windmill"

(included in Gentlemen's Valentines, 1811)

A Windmill! now upon my Life

I hate the thought of such a wife

A Foe to quick and Repose

The slave of ev’ry wind that blows!

Spare your invectives Sir, - We’ll shew

What good this noisy mill can do.

Like Courtesey she changes still

Yet only with her Masters will

Not vainly bent or prone to roam,

She changes but to vary home

Who would a little bustle chide

That’s ever usefully employ’d?

And when [the] furious Tempests rave,

Not [hers] their angry Force to brave

Serenely still her armes she closes

And patience to [the] storm opposes

And think you not a happy Life

Might well Be spent with such a wife.