Url https://exhibits.library.jhu.edu/omeka-s/s/encountering-birds-in-books/media/2557 Resource class dctype:Image Title Xiyu wen jian lu-樹鷄鴉 Description Qishiyi, jin shi 1754, Yannong, Gongsan, and Xi you shan fang. Xiyu Ji Yao: Ba Juan. [China]: Xi you shan fang, 61826. 卷一 十三-伊犁 (Volume 1 Page 13) : 有鳥鳥毛似鷄大有觔 許味甚美 常栖樹杪 故名樹鷄鴉 綠色似鸚鵡 羽可作扇,似翡翠但微冗耳 “There was a bird, features like chicken, big and can see its tendon. It tasted very good. (It) sometimes rested on the treetop, and therefore named ‘tree chicken-raven.’ (Its features are) green like parrots’, and the features can be used to make fans, similar to jade but darker.” --