Url https://exhibits.library.jhu.edu/omeka-s/s/encountering-birds-in-books/media/2559 Resource class dctype:Image Title Xiyu wen jian lu-骨岔鵰 Description Qishiyi, jin shi 1754, Yannong, Gongsan, and Xi you shan fang. Xiyu Ji Yao: Ba Juan. [China]: Xi you shan fang, 61826. 卷三 氣候物產 (Volume 3): page 62 骨岔鵰之黑而大者高兩三尺不等 翎健多力回地深山中 所生惟巴達克山盆 “The black mountain eagles are as big as two to three chi (24 inches to 37 inches), powerful feather muscles, hovering deep in the mountain valley. Only lived in the basin of Badakhshan.” --