Photograph of John Kendall with Zinka Milanov & Rosa Ponselle all in evening attire. From his estate. 12 x 14. Back has framed date of April 14, 1954 (Met visited Baltimore for a Norma with Milanov on March 29, 1954).
Photograph of Rosa Ponselle and Eileen Farrell singing together at the piano in preparation to sing together on CBS Radio. News clipping includes preview of the program "Your Invitation to Music" which took place on May 16, 1954.
Photograph of Rosa Ponselle on her 81st birthday with Romano Romani (the junior), Kira Baklanova, Lili Chookasian, Bette Hankin, Phyllis Frankil, and Licia Albanese. Photograph by William H. Mortimer. Reverse with short clipping about her birthday…
Signed Program for Aida at the Baltimore Civic Opera, October 26 - 30, 1972. Rosa Ponselle as Artistic Director. Cast included James Morris, Lili Chookasian, etc. Signed by Rosa Ponselle, Lili Chookasian, Gilda Cruz-Romo, and Barry Morell.
Program for La Forza del Destino at the Baltimore Civic Opera honouring Madame Rosa Ponselle, March 10 - 13, 1967. Rosa Ponselle as Artistic Director. Cast included Raina Kabaivanska, Giuseppe Gismondo, Spiro Malas, James Morris, and more.
Rosa Ponselle helping Charles Eekhardtaz with costume fitting for Eva Bober along with two schnauzers in Villa Pace salon. Baltimore Civic Opera. Photograph from April 7 1954 by Geo Cock. Includes certificate of authenticity from The Baltimore Sun.