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  • Tags: Rosa Ponselle

Photograph of Rosa Ponselle with Whiskers on hind legs on deck. Back stamped "Bain News Services" and "From Montauk photo Concern" and handwritten "Rosa Ponselle of the Opera".

Photograph of Rosa Ponselle in coat and hat walking on the deck of the SS Rex and signed "Rosa Ponselle 1933" - seal of official SS Rex visible.

Photograph of Rosa Ponselle on her wedding day with Carmela. Stamp from Wide World Studio on reverse and handwritten "Rosa's wedding day with Carmela." Both holding large bouquets. Photograph by Wide World Photos from 1936.

Rosa Ponselle singing with Carmela Ponselle at the piano [at their Riverside Drive apartment?]. Stamped on back Nov. 30 1925 and Jul 23 1990.

Photograph of Rosa Ponselle with Carmela and their mother Maddalena in New York City

Photograph of Rosa and Carmela Ponselle for press for "La Gioconda" at the Metropolitan Opera with newspaper clipping on the back "Associated Press Photo. Play 'Sister Act' in Opera. Rosa (right) and Carmela Ponselle, both famous in grand opera,…
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