This map served as a reference for medical inspectors like Young, who needed to locate different hospitals and laboratory facilities. Inside, a map of France provided the locations of the facilities and more detailed information about them. These…
Rosa Ponselle helping Charles Eekhardtaz with costume fitting for Eva Bober along with two schnauzers in Villa Pace salon. Baltimore Civic Opera. Photograph from April 7 1954 by Geo Cock. Includes certificate of authenticity from The Baltimore Sun.
Although he studied with Peabody faculty members off campus, pianist Ellis Larkins could not officially enroll at Peabody because of his race. He received this acceptance and scholarship letter from the Juilliard School of Music during the summer…
FDC Opera Singers (George Sottung) "The American Music Stamp Festival". 4 opera singers including Rosa Ponselle painted envelopes with descriptions and biographies on the reverse. Each include their own USPS Opera Singers series stamps. Canceled…
Elisabeth Gilman wrote this account of her work in a Paris Y.M.C.A. canteen after she had been there for ten weeks. She describes the soldiers, her regular duties, and the canteen she helped to run.