Immigrants of Hopkins

How has your identity been impacted by your or your family's background as immigrants? Since the Presidential election of 2016, the topic of immigrant rights has become a hotly contested issue. Immigration reform has been brought to the forefront of political conversation. In recognition of the current climate, the Inter-Asian Council wishes to provide a platform for students, faculty, and staff to share their stories.

Immigrants of Hopkins is a Spring 2018 photo campaign that seeks to curate a collection of stories from members of the Hopkins community who are immigrants or have an immigrant background. IAC circulated an interest form for those interested in sharing their stories and received a tremendous response, welcoming any and all submissions regardless of political affiliation or racial identity. The response we have had to this project speaks to the interest of the Hopkins community regarding this topic of immigration and immigrant identity. We have captured the stories of a wide range of Hopkins community members from alumni to Homewood undergraduates to Hopkins MBA students.

In collaboration with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Campus Ministries, we proudly publish the lives of our community members who were brave enough to share and be vulnerable. The printed posters from the event were showcased in Fall 2018 within the two offices. We dedicate this collection to the community and thank you for telling your stories. We were featured in the 2018 JHU Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) Magazine! Check it out by clicking here.  You can also view the photo album here on our social media platform here.  Click on the photos below to read what these fellow JHU students and staff members have to say about their experiences.

Credits: IAC would like to thank our photographers, Tiffany Hu, Tracy Gao, and Lauren Questel, for their incredible work. 

Immigrants of Hopkins Gala