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An altered version of Annius's works

Berosi sacerdotis Chaldaici, Antiquitatum libri quinqe, cum commentariis Joannis Annii Viterbensis sacrae theologiae professoris, nunc primum in antiquitatum studiosorum commoditatem, sub forma enchiridii excusi & castigati Berosi sacerdotis Chaldaici, Antiquitatum libri quinqe, cum commentariis Joannis Annii Viterbensis sacrae theologiae professoris, nunc primum in antiquitatum studiosorum commoditatem, sub forma enchiridii excusi & castigati

Joannes Annius, Berosi sacerdotis Chaldaici… cum commentariis Ioannis Annii Viterbensis (Antwerp, 1545)

This resolutely Hispanophile edition of Annius was printed in the Spanish Netherlands. It omits Annius’s bogus commentary on a genuine elegy of the Roman poet Propertius, which Annius had  purposely misinterpreted so as to identify the god Janus with the “Etruscan” Noah.

This editor also omitted Annius’s pro-Etruscan commentaries and tacked on another two works by Claudio Mario Arezzo, historian to Charles V, the Spanish king and Holy Roman emperor. The first was a geography of Sicily, a possession of Spain since 1492 ; the other a dialogue on Spain’s various municipal place-names. The majority of subsequent “complete” editions of Annius, including the last of 1659, reprinted this much altered edition.