Joannes Annius, Berosi sacerdotis Chaldaici… cum commentariis Ioannis Annii Viterbensis (Antwerp, 1545)
This resolutely Hispanophile edition of Annius was printed in the Spanish Netherlands. It omits Annius’s bogus commentary on a genuine elegy of the Roman poet Propertius, which Annius had purposely misinterpreted so as to identify the god Janus with the “Etruscan” Noah.
This editor also omitted Annius’s pro-Etruscan commentaries and tacked on another two works by Claudio Mario Arezzo, historian to Charles V, the Spanish king and Holy Roman emperor. The first was a geography of Sicily, a possession of Spain since 1492 ; the other a dialogue on Spain’s various municipal place-names. The majority of subsequent “complete” editions of Annius, including the last of 1659, reprinted this much altered edition.